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Marketing Music in (2022)

Nov 11, 2021 0 comments

Marketing Music

Marketing music is getting more and more complicated. With all the digital resources that we have now, it can be confusing. The most important thing to remember when marketing music is to continue building. Here is a very interesting article on promoting music. They made some really good points about building a network to promote your music. I wanted to outline some steps I use to promote music and I will keep it simple.

1- Playlisting is still important and you can start by building your own playlists and trying different services that have worked for other artists.

2- Facebook ads and other ads like Twitter and Instagram can work but you have to have a goal. The goal should consist of getting emails or subscribers. If you don't do that then you may be throwing money out the window.

3- Build awareness and the best way to market your music is in person. So always keep a business card or small flyers and keep giving them out and networking.

4- Save your money and invest in yourself. Make sure you save money and invest in growing your catalog. Your career has no worth unless people are streaming your music. Your catalog is your worth so work hard to build your listeners.

5- Use social media to get people to stream your music. That means regular uploads and content sending people to your streaming services.

6- Don't overwork yourself, make sure you have educated and hardworking team members.

There are a lot of new technologies coming to promote music such as blockchain and more. These services are still new and we have to see if people want to deal with the complicated apps. It could be lucrative if blockchain continues to grow.

If you follow these steps you will go to the next level. Don't forget you need help, you can't do it by yourself.

Antoine Maurice King


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